#1 Just Saying Hi

My roommate has a face on.
My roommate, lets call her C, does this face regularly. Every time she encounters the washing machine, for example. I would describe it as similar to the expression on a dogs face when playing fetch and you've feigned throwing the ball; head cocked slightly to one side, ears raised, confused and suspicious eyes. I think this over while she's giving me this face.

We are sat opposite each other on Table 1, folding napkins. We're both waitresses at a family restaurant; think Wetherspoons without the budget prices, it's closing time and we're working through our sidework in a comfortable silence. The rush of caffeine, stress and demanding customers is dying down and through the therapeutic rhythm of menial closing tasks I started to think, out loud. Words rolling out of my mouth as smooth and freely as raindrops down a window, about the 9-5's and 5-9's and this place and this life. About cold mornings and payslips and tip-outs. Counting cash like we're counting the years of our existence, while being tired all the time.

Hence, the face.

C isn't like me. She thinks stability and control and life at a steady comfortable beat. In her wildest dreams I doubt she craves anything more than a husband, two kids and a house to keep them, and she's already half-way there. In response to The Face I tell her getting engaged at 21 is like leaving the party at 9.30pm. She sniffs, offended, and says she'll let me grow old over her garage. I laugh.

I think about all the things that I want to do, about the travel and the people and the experiences. I think about Bali and the Americas and all the tiny European towns. I think about this war that will never end, about teaching English, about falling in love. I dream all through clocking out and getting changed and going home.

Now my father calls. He's in Zurich on business and drunk. He complains about his gout and I make the appropriate noises in response. We talk about Syria and he tells me I'm just like my sister. I'm lighting a cigarette and he thinks he's upset me, we say goodbye.

Sometimes I think nobody else thinks the way I do. Sometimes looking at everything around me I find so much beauty in the world I feel still. I want to love someone so much I feel airless without their touch, I want to feel so passionately about something that I wouldn't be afraid to fight for it, I want to find a peace inside myself so profound that I can no longer hear the voices inside my head. I want life, I want to feel alive. I want sweat and love and joy and the raw and rare euphoria of sunlight on eyelashes.

But now, I'm just saying hi.


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